The Outdoor Encounters

Something Squatchy near by On your next outdoor adventure. Keep a lookout for Bigfoot. Unsolved mystery sightings around the country and more camp fire stories.
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Financial Rattle

Welcome to the financial rattle page. Now offering a barometer for any shakes and rattle that influence market conditions with San Francisco bay area.

Just Chocolates

Looking for the most recent chocolate trends and recipes. Enjoy new chocolate stories for chocolate fans all across the world.


Get your daily coffee news from specialty coffee roasters and great stories from retail coffeehouses.
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10 Amazing detox drinks to rejuvenate yourself

Here is a list of amazing detox drinks that will help your livers detoxify your body faster.


FROM THE GRAPEVINES Grapevines(typically Vitis vinifera) has been considered as a symbol since ancient times. From the Grapevines features some great wine news and the latest health factor notes. Furthermore, please visit our Wine Review...


Pizza - its origin and evolution to its popularity  You settle in for tonight’s football match, and then it hits you: “20 people, no food in the fridge…” so what do you do?  You...
SF Style and Leisure, Official Movie Trailers & Newsvideo

Official Movie Trailers & News

The latest and official movie trailers, reviews, and news for the coming season. All future official movie shows, trailers & news are to be streamed or soon to feature in a theater near you...

Business Tech Review

Latest Technology reviews & news More Cool Tech Ideas at  
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Horse Racing News

Thoroughbred horse racing news captures the current trends and insights on today's stories. Enjoy more derby news and horse racing results here. Thoroughbred daily news